Tuesday 3 January 2012

Music Magazine Screen Shots and Evaluation.

Today we started making our own double page spread for our music magazine. We began by opening the software InDesign and laid out two blank pages. We then added columns, photos and text boxes. We had to make sure the sizes were correct, the text stood out and that our margins were in the right places. 
We were then told to highlight our columns and "Fill Placeholder With Text". This copied random text into our columns just so we could experiment with the text and practice on changing the size of our margins, making sure the text wasn't overflowing, changing the font and size, and making sure the text didn't hyphenate. 
We then had to add a small photo into our text, and make it fit how we thought looked best.

Above are some screen shots I have done to show my process of thought and experimentation. 
I think I have made a lot of progress today and throughout this experiment I have learnt new skills I will be able to put across when coming to my final outcome of my music magazine. 

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