Tuesday 10 January 2012

Magazine Article.

You know them songs that get stuck in your head all day long? When you’re washing up and you find yourself humming to a tune you heard 8 hours before on the radio? That would be the sweet music from the lyrical genius Zoey Southwell.

The mysterious soul singer is new on the scene and she’s certainly come around with a bang! Her music ranges from all ages, she mixes pop with soul, rhythm and blues and rap. Zoey has featured with the likes of Jay Sean, Drake, Ellie Goulding and Rhianna. She is signed by world famous record company Universal Music, along with labels such as Lady GaGa, LMFAO and Mary J. Blige.

Stealing Zoey away from her busy lifestyle at her penthouse apartment in Essex for only a strict half hour we managed to get lots of juicy information from her, including tour dates, album releases and new videos. We also get the full scoop on her relationship with Lil Wayne.

Hello Zoey, this is a lovely place! You’ve come a long way from Croydon. This lifestyle must have taken some getting used to.

-Yes (she chuckles) coming from somewhere like Croydon I thought I was on a one-way ticket to working in Asda. It’s just a totally different lifestyle.

We can only imagine how it must feel to be able to order champagne on ice whenever you want! What’s the best part of being a celebrity?

-(Laughing) haha that one never gets old! The best part of doing what I do is knowing that I’m giving something back to my family through my music, and knowing that I’m making them proud. Also, the free shoes aren’t too bad either!

Free shoes?! Some girls only dream! So what is your music going to be about in the upcoming future?

-Trust me I did dream! My music is going to represent everything I stand for and believe in. It’s going to have meaning, obviously because I write my own music each song will be very personal to me and my experiences. I’ve written some real heartbreakers on this album.

Ooooo we’re intrigued! Heartbreakers? Who could ever be silly enough to break your heart?!

-(Laughing) haha every little girl has their heart broken at some point in their life, it’s how you deal with it that defines you and closes that part of your life.  Relationships end and people move on, that’s life. The album really focuses on moving on, and closing things. It gives it away from the title “Where’s My Heart” which by the way is out at the end of this month! It’s available on iTunes now.

Speaking of relationships, can you give us some juicy gossip on you and Lil Wayne?  Are we hearing wedding bells?

-(Laughing) hahah me and Wayne are friends! We’ve been out for lunch, and shopping a couple of times. He’s been like my big brother in this business, advising me on who’s who, and being like a mentor. We’re not dating.

-I’m sure that will disappoint some of our fans! Is there any hope for the future between you two?

-I never say never, but not right now no. I’m dedicated to my music at the moment. Nothing else!

Ok ok we won’t say anymore! So, you’ve been featured in a few songs with big artists recently. Who was the best one to work with?

-I know I’m so lucky and truly blessed to be able to work with such incredible and successful people. None of them were the best because they’re all amazing! But meeting Drake has been one of my dreams since I was about seventeen years old! (Laughing) They were all fantastic and I’d love to work with them again. They are all extremely talented.

In your new video with drake, there are a few love scenes. Was it hard remaining professional with someone you’ve had a teenage crush on? (Laughing)

-(Laughs) hahaha no not at all, I’m very business minded and know that if I’m not professional companies and artists wont want to use me. You’ve got to remain level headed in this industry.

Your duet with Drake has now made it into the top ten! How does that feel?

-It feels like I’m on cloud nine all the time. To be able to get into my car, turn the radio on and hear my music blaring through the speakers still freaks me out, but I love it at the same time. It’s even weirder seeing myself on television!

We know you’ve got a few tours coming up, you’re touring round the UK first right?

-Yes, I’m touring round the UK going to London, Bristol, Brighton, Liverpool, Scotland, Wales, Manchester and Newcastle. It’s only a 32 day tour, which is relatively short for a country tour but I’ve never experienced tour life before so I have no idea what to expect!  We’re spending 4 nights in each city and living on a bus, with one bathroom sounds interesting (Laughing)

Do you have any supporting acts playing at your tour?

-(Giggling and smiling) You’ll have to wait and see!

Okay Zoey it’s been brilliant talking to you, good luck with your tour and heartbreaker album! We’ll be hoping to see a lot more of you!

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